Some poets and writers speak in words, you speak in heart. The most comforting language I can think of. Thank you 🙏🏾

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Oh my— enchanting. Inside truth shines the light of infinite stars and this is called love! Love is all there is, all there is is love.

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Your gift with language is beyond remarkable!

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Dear Sarah…same. ♥️

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I so wish I could hug you ❤️🙏🏼

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The snow does not fall where it has. The leaves are different colors, missing the reds as trees die. The temperatures rob the air of the deep breath I try to take to center as I accept the wave. Yet my 4 year old asks to take her shoes off so she can feel Mother Earth hug her. And my 7 year old son insists on planting fruits and vegetables to feed Mother Earth (lord knows he won’t eat those veggies so someone has to). The wave finds us to move us before resonating to another. I find your words on that wave. I break. I open. I am grateful. 🙏

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When I listen to you or read your words, I feel so connected to myself! I thank you for this. I remember when I began listening to you on one of your meditations you instructed your listeners to "tell yourself that you love yourself" at that very moment I felt my heart literally jump & I began to cry as I had never said those words to myself! That was the beginning of my awakening. Thank you so very much:)

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To temper this life with heart, yes.

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Your words are beautiful. And inspiring. I suffer from eco-anxiety. However, you reminded me that in every moment of suffering there is love, and the strength that comes from realizing that.....Thank you SO much for this post.

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Thank you for the gift of love - right back at you dear Sarah. As a teacher of the 4th and 5th grade I too must find a balance with my own heart and those of my kidlets as we learn the ‘science’ discovered and related to it all…yet, it is important to me to uncover and reveal through the mystery of our existence as well. Their (and my) beating hearts are so important to love and care and hold dear and aspire and inspire a continuous awe, reverence and honor of the intricate beauty held in the small and large of all things in our existence. Be well -ll

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I kneel and greet the surge...❤️

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Beyond words.. so touching. ❤️

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Oh YES Sarah - I hear you - I only come from the heart, just think what the world would like if we all did come from this place.......... Blessings & My Gratitude to you once again Sarah xxx💕💕💕🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️

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We are witness to that within and without. Thank you for wording that so very well.

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