Oct 13, 2023Liked by Sarah Blondin

I don’t often comment but regularly listen to and read Sarah’s work. I’m struck with gratitude for the words and images you create and share. I’m guessing there are many of us, silent consumers who so greatly benefit from your art, your wisdom. I just wanted to say thank you Sarah, please know your words have comforted me, provoked thought in me when I really needed it. I’m sure creating content in this way can sometimes feel like a one way process. It’s not, you are touching so many. Thanks again.

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Hand on heart, full of joy and gratitude for this gift of words. Thank you for being here, and for sharing your voice with me! Thank you.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Sarah Blondin

Good morning Sarah

I too, I have always felt reservation in responding to your amazing creations of prose and poetry, thought I and acknowledgment of feelings. The reservations probably born from not feeling I could express adequately what a gift to share. So beautiful your son is able to emote and express so succinctly both sides of this paradox. I was actually driving on a country road during what I refer to as the ambrosial time of the day. It always seems to be most beautifully connected to lifetime of the day and I’m so grateful for it. This also happens to be the time I quite often listen to your compositions and heartfelt words. It’s also a time I go through many tissues, and just to let you know, it’s always tears of joy, reminding me that, though I experience both sides of this adventure, and just comfort That there are at least two other people out there experience the same so it must mean that when I feel this way, I’m not broken, but just broken open to be more alive . Thank you for sharing your gift! I enter this adventure, it’s brand new baby day, with an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for life!

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I am beyond grateful for your message, it means more than you know.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Sarah Blondin

It’s 3 am and I sit awake.... this alert on my phone popped up and joy just hit me. Sarah posted!!!! This is so beautiful and melted my heart completely.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Sarah Blondin

So beautiful Sarah. The hardest part of my walk so far has been letting go of my children and having to watch them suffer, even a little bit, so they can grow and adventure.

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Me too....me too, Keith.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Sarah Blondin

Words like a salve to a heavy heart ❤️✨

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Sarah Blondin

It’s 3:45am in Peru as I’m am on an adventure myself(from Halifax NS Canada) and your words couldn’t be more timely. Thank you for the continued refuelling of my heart and inspiration of my renovated noggin post TBI.

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Yes! Enjoy your adventure and everything that accompanies it!

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Greetings from Wolfville NS! Enjoy your adventure! ❤️🙏

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Life and love are a constant balancing of what am I holding onto and what am I letting go of. There is no perfect science, there is no Rosetta Stone, there is no magic sauce, there is no silver bullet... there is joy and there is suffering and whole lot of jostling in between. Our upbringing, experiences and programming has taken our very essence of love and clouded it with a constant association with fear. Love in one hand and fear in the other. And depending on our circumstances, the scales are tipped one way or another. The goal is to maintain either balance by acknowledging the fear and darkness within and allowing the light of our awareness to illuminate the dark and scary things so our of the seed within that is scaring us, that we might discover a new nugget of wisdom that enhances and enlightens our expression of love. I want so badly for my pain and anguish to be relieved... to be caught up in the magnitude of our divine essence and live from a place of humility and acceptance without fear, but I recognize that my lack of appreciation for fear and what it teaches me tries to tip the scales artificially towards one side of my whole self. Working towards balance but my lows in life are beginning to scare me. Not being able to function and achieve the to dos on my plate are scaring the hell out of me... but I also have to recognize that they are teaching me what’s important and forcing my hand to let go of the lessor and programmed in priorities and forcing me towards self love and self care otherwise I will not survive any longer as the vessel that is carrying me through this life is weakening and starting to falter, but I know it’s also a mirror of what is happening within my soul. My old self and who I was with Krista is dying and if I keep trying to hold onto what is no longer, it’s keeping me from experiencing what is ahead of me and still living... myself and my girls. In a season of darkness awaiting the light within to shine again.

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Beautiful understanding , thank you for sharing.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Sarah Blondin

Sending much gratitude to you dear Sarah. You are a light in my soul.

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Just so beautiful. What you wrote is how i want to do life from now on, even with tragedy. Thank you Sarah for guiding the way ✨

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Sarah Blondin

I too felt a jolt of excitement when I seen a new post from you Sahra. Your voice draws me in, your words are ever so beautiful and thought provoking. You bring peace and joy to my day. Thank you.

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To bring peace and joy to another is all i hope to do in this life! Thank you for sending this note, sheila.

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I had to listen to this twice. The first time I got lost in the images and the second time, I put the phone down and simply listened to the words in order to fully grasp them.

The concept is quite simple really, that adventure and discomfort go together. I think we often feel the fear of discomfort as resistance and I am going to explore this more. Thank you.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Sarah Blondin

Tearing streaming down my face after listening to this. “Discomfort is part of the adventure”.. thank you for this lesson as it’s so timely for me right now. I’m struggling and torn between loving two people and the shame, discomfort, and heartbreak I can’t overcome feels like a never ending well of despair that I don’t know how to navigate or communicate to either people. Your words give me hope that the dust will settle, the path will become known and I will find my courage to follow my heart.

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The furnace of growth and clarity...sending love.

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Sarah Blondin

This may sound really strange, but Sarah… Seriously… What planet are you from!!? (said, with a warm, broad, loving smile). When first being introduced to you one of my first thoughts happen to be, oh my goodness… I have found someone from my planet!! It’s a remarkable, rare and wonderful thing to experience someone who speaks a ‘language’ that so resonates and aligns with my very soul… and needless to say, numerous others as well! I cannot express enough how dear I hold you to my heart, and please know that I doubt that I have felt more love and gratitude for any other sentient being! Blessings be dear one🙏❤️✨💥🌱

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Sarah Blondin

Dearest Sarah, thank you for being a good and beautiful ‘mother’ to us all. 🙏💞

A Witness of a Mother’s Love

A Mother’s love is a magical balm -

soothing and comforting.

A warmth in the cold

and a cooling in the heat.

It is there - in whatever shape or form need be.

A Mother’s love is guided by heart -

colored by a divine essence no words can truly embrace.

It is cooked into food and baked into cookies

and shared by her smile and grace.

A Mother’s love transcends the travels of time.

The constant companion of thought and memories -

a boundless affection of eternity.

She is in the blue of the sky.

She is in the light of the moon.

She is in the dust on the shelf.

She is in the words in the books.

She is in you and she is in me.

A Mother’s love plays with childlike laughter

and finds respite showing kindness to others.

A surrender, a flowing.

A power unmatched -

always two steps ahead and two steps behind…

leading and following - an enveloping essence of comfort.

A Mother’s love is a kiss in the wind

echoing a simplicity -

“The more you give, the more you receive.”

A humble appreciation of the mysterious -

an immeasurable treasure to which only she holds the key.

A Mother’s love.

A Mother’s love blossoms into a bouquet of comfort -

bringing with it a strength of hope

to conquer the unconquerable and

embrace the journey despite the unforeseen challenges.

The fragrance of fortitude strengthening the will

with a determination to seek the destination in the present moment.

The gift of the Now. Here. Eternal. Forever blooming.

A Mother’s love is in my middle, and your middle -

a centering power within.

Cuddling the unknown and unknowable with playful curiosity.

A light in the darkness.

A reminder that we are ALL greater and more beautiful

than we think ourselves to be.

A Mother’s love is ever reaching, ever growing -

whether accepted, rejected or returned.

Her love is a friend in the face of your struggles,

a kiss to your wounds, within and without -

a salve to all the times you’ve been burned.

A Mother’s love is a gratitude

resurrected into an undying affection.

A wonder of compassion the is the divine feminine.

Where forgiveness reigns immortal

and bleeds into and out of all the love she

so freely bestows and gives so generously.

A Mother’s love is an understanding brought to confusion -

melting and softening all concern into encouragement.

She whispers, “The answers will come. Keep seeking. Searching.”

She whispers, “ This too shall pass. You will soon discover

a new strength never before imagined.”

She is woman. She births love with every breath.

A Mother’s love is an embrace…

like the snow, slowly and gently layering a blanket not the earth.

A covering and holding in of all goodness and comfort.

And then melting away into a nourishment

when movement beckons time to release hold -

offering a strength to break through and surrender to

the next unfolding creative influence on the journey.

A Mother’s love is a blessing. Good and Beautiful.

I love my mother for all she has taught me and shown me -

no matter how long it took me to finally

see it, to feel it, and share it myself.

Like a shooting star or a rainbow, a book read and then placed on the shelf…

gone, but still lingering within.

A guiding spirit. Whole. Holy. Sacred.

I AM so blessed.


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Thank you for this beautiful poem, it’s very touching.

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Such a beautiful message to share with our kiddos! And of course with ourselves as well!! I'm embarking on a total career change where in one palm I feel absolute joy and in the other I feel fear. I needed to hear your comforting words and voice reminding me that this is the way - adventure and discomfort. But chose the joy because that comes from my heart and sit with the discomfort because avoiding it will lessen the experience. Much gratitude for your work Sarah!

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I am piggy backing on the comment theme here…I too don’t often write comments, but feel very called to share today. I am in the early phases of maturing into the Somatic Practitioner and teacher that I hope to become. When I think of mentors, guides and teachers that have most inspired me on my path…you are number one on my list, Sarah. Thank you for making my heart feel less alone in dark times. Thank you for making my sensitive soul feel seen and valid. Your embodied heart-mindedness in all you create and offer is the greatest gift.

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