Dear Sarah. I adore what comes from within your soul. That’s what’s special about it. No need to ask your audience. Everything that you unearth from within is is gift and rare treasure. Thank you for giving so much.

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I treasure these notes. I have felt each one as a special gift. Thank you for sharing your heart so generously with me. I am listening and I am so grateful for this community of such outstanding beings. What a joy it is to be sharing this life with you. wow wow wow...more soon!!!

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I absolutely adore both mediums. It’s helpful for me to have the Heart Minded book to reflect but the audio is what has truly healed me on my hardest days. You’re voice is a spiritual experience and finds the cracks into my soul! We would love any medium you offer!

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Jan 28, 2022·edited Jan 28, 2022

Hi Sarah,

The divide in our world today seems so big it is like a canyon. There does not seem to be any bridges. I would like to know/hear your thoughts on accepting each other for the places we are in rather than stubbornly demanding that our thoughts and beliefs are right and everyone else is wrong. I am a nurse and I work hard everyday to leave my personal beliefs at the door so I can care for the person in front of me on their terms but some days it is so hard that it makes my heart literally ache. I would like to remember and nurture tolerance and I think your words could help heal our angry and raw world. Namaste to you. I cannot express to you how many times your words have been just the salve I need for my weary heart and soul. ❤️

P.S. that cartoon😆

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Jan 28, 2022·edited Jan 29, 2022

Your voice is a soothing balm for my nervous system. I read your book and have also listened to the audiobook twice. I’m grateful for all you share! Being a highly sensitive person, I’d love to learn how to use my gifts instead of feeling the weight of them. Discover true self acceptance with meditations and exercises designed to reinforce our innate good natures.

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I really enjoyed Heart Minded. The combo of narrative with written+audio meditation was genius and resonated a lot with me. I would like to learn more about surrendering. I listen to your meditations regularly. They always speak to me, so I have no doubt I will learn from anything you create!

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As others have said here, I love everything you do. All of your works are meaningful and very helpful to me.

So it is with some hesitation and great humility that I offer this thought: Is it possible to put together something I could reach into multiple times a day? … a morning meditation; an afternoon talk/meditation/guidance; an evening winding-down…? Maybe as a week-long “program” or routine? Something that would help me stay the course throughout the day... I’m not sure if this is doable; or even desirable for others? But it occurs to me that it could help me deepen my practice. Thank you so much for asking🙏❤️

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Hello Sarah, the world is a bit cold, specially for men, having the chance of earing a soft female voice reassuring that we matter and everything will be OK is the closest thing I have to religion. We know there’s good in the world and when you give us courage to face life and be positive, we feel we belong and closer to one another. I like everything you do but have a strong preference for the audio talks

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Hi there dear Sarah! My birthday is tomorrow so every time I get an email from you is a gift so thank you so much for every single writing and audio. I'm Spanish and I work as an English teacher. I always learn a new word from your insights so I'm blessed because I learn from you, I meditate with you, I feel connected with you.

I don't have any suggestions for your next book. Just go with the flow, deep in the woods of those lovely Canadian forest and let your heart speak...the outcome will be absolutely amazing!

Sending a warm embrace and good vibes from Barcelona! 🙏✨♥️

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Audio book please with separate chapters of meditations so we can easily get back to them. Most audiobooks in this space don’t make it easy to get to, find or play the mediations on repeat. Hopefully you will read the book to us.

I’d love more on working through, listening to and learning from fear. And I think quite a few of your meditations and readings go there, and I know myself when I make decisions based on fear they are often the wrong ones…

Thank you for what you do.

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Would you consider creating affirmation or oracle cards?!? I would love that!

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Dear Sarah,

I suggest following your inner guidance as it seves you so well and helps me so much! One if the things I really appreciate about your work on substack is that I get to read, and hear your voice. Your voice is magical. I am also very helped by the visualizations you use, like dropping blocks or throwing a rope to my future self. During a moment of panic during a doctor's visit when I felt I could not handle what was happening, I rembered a lesson from Folding in and through a rope to my future self and I got through that moment. A book of vignettes from "Folding In " would be a gift I would give to others! I would title it "Can I Wait in Peace until Grace Comes?" Because that question is now something I ask myself regularly throughout my day, and it helps me reframe my experience.

On Insight Timer, I turn to "Accepting Change" alot. I also turn to two of the 20 minute versions of your daily insights: "Accessing the Sacred Within You" and " Reawaken Yourself to Love and Joy."

I hope you find this information helpful.

May you be well and live with the ease of well being

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Absolutely! I most love your voice on audiobook with calming music. It's so healing for me in that form. The world needs what you're doing...

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Your soul beckons others in such a beautiful and unique way, I agree the answer is likely within. However, I honor the ask. There are two topics that I would selfishly like to see covered in greater detail — 1. Grounding. While we’re quick to know and point out when it’s absence leaves us unmoored, it’s best applications change during the course of a day much less our lives. So often I float off if I’m not careful with my diet or rituals but there seems to be more of an apparatus that could be constructed to help keep us rooted in this life and all its wonder without relying solely on visualizations alone. 2. During the awakening process for many, daily life keeps charging on. The days of nurturing our growth and process in quiet solitude has given way to a time when we must integrate being a sage and householder simultaneously. If we are to instill divinity into every moment, what are ways to ensure we navigate the rivers of change in this time? All while taking into account the events and those around us that may not want to awaken from their slumber yet

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Dear Sarah,

Thank you for inviting an offering of seeds for Sarah’s book.

A few random thoughts that come to mind that I will not overthink and just toss ‘em out!

Always with your books please continue the audio meditation or reading…. Your voice, cadence and softness is audio oxygen ;)

Book seed one:

A book called FOLDING IN. I see a book cover with a beautiful image of an origami and the book is simply a collection of all of your Folding In writing.

Book seed two:

Maybe about Transitions. Naming that big transition you had with city to the wilderness — as a light thread to start the book — but it would be more about how we transition always from one feeling to another. Night to day. Day to night. Death. Life. We are always, always in transition.

Book three: ON DEATH. writing the above made me realize your writing often speaks about death and dying and meditations on such. As a hospice social worker/therapist specializing in such, I realize as I write this how often I recommend your book along with other books on said subject. You touch on death often and I always “lean in” even more.

Book four: A book on gentle ways for skillfully parenting. Stories. Meditations. It seems you have a unique and a beautiful gentle way of caring for your boys. Plus at some point you have a children’s book in you too. ☀️

Ok, I will stop there in my snowy NYC reverie on your question. Excuse typos as I have learned to simply send. Life is short.

Oh, I just had one other thought.

Book five. A small book with a collection of your ASK SARAHS. Perhaps.

Sarah, now I ask you a question - no matter if you write one book or a million, will you promise to keep folding in with us? With your kind voice. I thank you for all of your generous offerings.


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One of the most profound gifts I’ve received through your meditations, book & substack is the permission to cease trying to be unbroken as many profess we must do. “You Are Allowed”, “When We Must Endure”, “Your Soul’s Expansion”, etc. are but a few examples. Trust your instincts & whatever you create next, I’m all in.

My husband died suddenly in 11/2017 after falling from scaffolding at his workplace, there was no shortage of…”you should…”, advice, which left me emptier, sadder & feeling as though my prolonged, “complicated grief”, was somehow a failure on my part.

Thank you for sharing a bit of yourself with me to assist me in healing & accepting that being broken is okay❤️.

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Dearest Sarah, I would love to have a book of your poems. I often share your beautiful words at the end of a yoga class and people are always hungry for more. I know your qork is cherished in the yoga community and I think a book of sharable short poems or wanderings, reflections would be amazing ❤

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Dear Sarah,

Your voice is a balm for my soul. Medicine. I will always choose to hear you over reading you. Please keep making recordings.

And that is a rare statement from me, as I usually prefer to read (and am an avid reader) and struggle with guided meditations specifically because most voices are a distraction rather than amplify the meditative experience as yours does for me.

I would love to feel, learn and discover:

vibrancy, joy, playfulness,

deep knowing, deeply centred,

forgiveness and acceptance and gratitude all at the same time,

to see my own beauty and strength,

abundant love.

Can you manage that :)



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I have lovvvvved the audio guided meditations, so meaningful and powerful for grounding, reflecting and meditating on. I would love to have them transcribed (and even more of them) to think, dwell and repeat about them even more, and to use them (or snippets of them) to share with my yoga class students.

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How to feel when you cannot feel anything and morning meditation to get your mind right for the day. Your guided, loving meditations with the soft music MOVE ME!

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I loved loved loved the guided meditation podcast. 15 minutes of your calming voice + words got me through some dark days. <3

RIP Greg. hahah

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Your guided meditations touch my soul, unlock things I did not know I was hiding, more of that please, Thank you, keep being you and YOU know what you should do, so do that!

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Sarah, I love the stories about the learning interactions with your boys. How about a children’s book? One that could bring your wisdom in a light hearted approach as a contrast to the past 2 years adventures.

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You have a gift for reaching people with your mesmerizing voice and powerful insights. Keep doing what you are already doing. You have the intuition and connectedness needed to deepen our understanding and further our growth. ❤️

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I love all your work, but I too am touched most by your angelic voice. For me audio lessons followed by meditation as in your course This Deepest Self, are ideal. I especially loved that each lesson covered a particular subject like fear & anxiety or loneliness. Perhaps something similar in a video format.

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During the pandemic (and before that), I am hearing a lot of stories of feeling isolated, fear and self-loathing. Fear and polarization has gripped our world. Would love to hear your thoughts on these topics.

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It is no surprise to see how much you are valued in these comments. For me, your humanity is a tender hook that grounds me to pay close attention to the gift that follows. I know you asked for specific inspiration, but all I can say is: Be you; Do you.

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I would love to dive into the depths of the feminine womb. The no-thing, vast, darkness of creation. Meet the fear, guilt, meaningless, shame and all that arises within our deep feminine energies.

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Sarah, I'm privileged to lead a women's long term residential trauma, attachment & addiction center. I started listening to you years ago and now our ladies do as well as we start our day. You are just a huge blessing to so many. Your peace & serenity resonate throughout each moment of your meditations. Please just continue to help our women find their voices. Your words come from deep inside your soul and we all live a little better lives as a result. Finding true peace within this rather angry & uneasy world is hard to access & sustain. Your giftedness helps me and so many that are struggling to find a meaningful & purposeful balance within the gift of each new day. Sincere, Thank You

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I love your meditations and audio. Moving beyond grief and how to find true self love and acceptance. I listen to your meditations daily and so love and connect with them.

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Ditto to many of the comments about how what you share touches on a deep level. I too love the audio, your voice is soothing and peaceful. The music is magical - what you choose and where you place it is brilliant and effective at opening the heart. I love how you pause, giving time for the message to absorb, like watering a plant a little at a time. Audio, with eyes closed, helps me to move inward and feel connected in a way that is difficult to put to words. From Heart Minded, I appreciate that I can have the meditations in one place, accessing them easily and without commercials. I was disappointed with additional platforms of Spotify and Apple with some of your newer meditations (drifting off to your new sleep meditation, I was jolted awake by a commerical - please put it on Insight Timer!). Too many platforms can be overwhelming to those of us not into tech or who just like things simple. For content, Folding In 8 (Can you wait in peace until Grace comes?) resonated deeply - the human experience of forgetting, getting lost in pain yet knowing it will pass, Grace will come back. So beautiful. There is so much in that one "rumination" that could be expanded upon. Another thought - there are enough teachers out there constantly reminding us how horrible the world is - I'm so glad you don't do this. It's always a delight to see a message from you in the in-box. Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world.

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Hey Sarah,

I’d love to learn more about how to stay heart-centered throughout the day- too often I find myself in my head, when my heart needs to lead. You most likely have discussed this throughout your body of work, and apologize- I have not heard the entirety of your work, and love all that I’ve heard.

Other topics: I’m still stuck trying to birth my life’s vision while looking for work.

I’d also enjoy audio with workbooks over just books at this point- for me, your voice is the vehicle through which the Devine Feminine speaks to the world. I never had children, but have inner children who find your voice to be the mother I never had- so maybe something more about Re parenting our inner children or becoming our own loving parent?

Thank you for asking- it is an honor to be part of your process.

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Your voice and written words wrap around me like a warm blanket and speak directly to my heart and soul. It is truly a visceral experience. Thank you for sharing your amazing gifts with us Sarah. Your truth, vulnerability and pain are a lifeline, a connection that is unlike anything I’ve experienced. Your voice and words offer hope. As many others have said, do what speaks to you. We await you with open arms!

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Hello Sarah,

I've been listening to you on Insight Timer since 2018, I love your spoken meditations. I also have your book but I think for me your voice resonates most, your voice and the music you often choose really move me plus I really feel like you are talking to me and it's really touching.

As for feeling, learning and discovering here are some things that come....

- How not to give myself such a hard time about my path (not being good enough)

- Stop judging myself, the frustration, tiredness and anger that come when I'm not how/who I want to be

- How to handle it when feeling TOTALLY submerged by uncomfortable emotions, the helplessness that can be present

- Why do we auto-sabotage ourselves? Why out of fear of rejection do we reject others? Do the opposite of what we want...

- Why do I sometimes not let myself feel/be happy, the moments where there is a part of me that wants to keep myself feeling bad, maybe wanting to feel love, attention and care from those around me as I am incapable of giving it to myself at that moment but it can sometimes have the reverse effect of pushing others away

Looking forward to continuing to follow what you send out in the universe...

Take care sweet soul,

Many blessings,

Alice xxx

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Sweet sweet Sarah, anything that you want to share from your heart is the gift we all need 💖 I look forward to what comes 🙏

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Dear Sarah,

First, your writing and audio is so so special, because it’s from your heart and your home. That very powerful and resonates with so many people (including me) because deep down we are al the same! I would like to read and hear more about your connection to nature, and how you cope with your high-sensitive ego. Second, I would love to translate your book(s) to Dutch readers!

Thank you for giving so much! 😗

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Your writings and meditations are like love letters that speak directly to my soul. Love letters on what it means to live a meaningful, connected, soul-nourishing life with love as your compass. I would love any book you create! Thank you for your beautiful contribution in this world, you work is so needed and so important. Thank you Sarah, thank you ❤️🙏

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Dear Sarah,

I love your books and audios but what resonates more for me is your audio meditations, as your voice is so soothing and healing. Feels like a good friend telling you what you need to hear most. Thanks for your creativity and presence!

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I whole heartedly agree with what ginger has said. If I had to add something it would something about forgiveness.forgiving yourself as well as others. Finding that place where you can forgive and move forward. Not letting it dictate your present choices. As far a learning. I am very auditory so that always helps me but if I want to keep something to refer back to I purchase the book as well. Or maybe you could come up with something that can be printed to take notes on or just keep to refer back to.

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Your audio pieces that I listen to with Insight Meditation have been my guide for the last few months. Your words, your voice and how you weave it all together is truly a gift. I am finding audio more accessible lately and easier to digest and then retain.

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Sarah. This year I’ve been through a heavy burnout and I have listened to your meditations every single night (157 times to be exact by Insight Timer) and they have been such a support and help and inspiration through this, I’ve felt held. My focus now in life is my dreams and doing what I love and what makes me feel alive, I would love both audio and book on that. On what makes us tingle and bubbly inside! Love

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Hello Dear Sarah- I want you to know that when I was in the early days of recovery from a Traumatic Brain Injury(winter 2016) that blew up my life as I knew it-it was your voice, your words, your loving kindness that cut through the brain fog straight to my heart. My vision remains double to this day so reading is difficult. I have your first book in audio format. I thank you from my precious heart. I trust you’ll be inspired by my words and the words of your tribe. I love you, dear one. Please keep on keeping on. With deep bows of gratitude for your practice and work. Namaste🦋☮️🙏

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I loved your series on Coming Home to Yourself. I thought that was such a lovely and compassionate series. Really helped me after some heavy personal stuff. Talking about compassion for others and ourselves is something I would love to hear about more.

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I would love to learn more on how to deal with fear, anxiety, imposter syndrome or feeling not good enough. Also discover new ways of how to take care of myself and love myself.

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Sarah, your audience is you, it is your own heart, the way you experience life, every ordinary detail or extraordinary event. Your beautiful prose describing your awareness of all the angles of those moments, the thoughts, the feelings, the physical sensations, the movement of your soul, the heart’s integration of it all. That’s exactly what we need to hear in your perfectly holy voice.....because it brings awareness and words to our own experiences, and in you loving your own heart, it heals ours.

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Dear Sarah, it is your voice, your authenticity, and willingness to speak of the dark that we all experience (and need to to find and experience the beauty of all realms of human experience) that make me feel seen and heard and loved. We are bombarded by society to always and forever focus on the positive (and even make it up on social media) which seems to create even more depression and despair. You address this with your beautiful voice and deep observations all without workbooks, check lists, fix it exercises etc. You have gotten me through some v dark times and still do 🙏.

I would love to hear more about grieving and loss, especially in terms of family. I lost my mom to cancer when I was just 10, I lost a child in vitro which also resulted in my loss to ever I have children, lost my husband to divorce soon after our child died, lost my breasts to cancer and ovaries as well, lost my health to a point of disability due to the breast implants, and am now recovering from from a recent en bloc breast capsulectomy and implant removal surgery so that I will never have breasts again. Through all of those losses my family wasn’t there for me in any way. I’m not saying any of this as a victim; all of it has blessed me in some way. But the more I find out about other families and their problems, the more I think that most families have “divorced” each other rather than communicate with love to work things out, to remain a community. I am amazed and grateful for all the angels who showed up through all of those experiences outside of family and it has only grown my capacity for compassion. Yet, when there’s a focus on motherhood and families, I feel sad and want to hear more about getting through the deep grieving felt with the loss of close family (whether through death, abandonment, or their own incapacity to show love). To hear more about mothering or “sistering” or parenting in other ways to help fill the loss of the feminine need for that, and for a sense of nurturing family and community would be wonderful from your perspective.

Also, I feel deep grief and over the Climate Crisis. There’s an abundance of info on what can be done even on an individual basis, but not how it feels, how to grieve together whilst still holding hope.

Forgive the length of this, just so much grief I guess!

Thank you from the depth of my heart for what you give to the world 🙏❤️

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Lovely Sarah, anything & everything, I know even your discarded notes & words would give me/us so much. Your voice has been my North Star of comfort on many a dark night of the soul. It is a blanket of love, that warms my heart & my toes. Yet books were my first best friends, so either, or, both. We’ll receive it all.

Personally, I am becoming curious on how to encourage joy to stay for longer periods. I know my darkness, I’m comfortable there although it’s painful. I feel a lot of us in this community are; but “how do we wait in peace until grace comes again” & then dance from dusk til dawn with joy? With so much love & gratitude, Louise.

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I too enjoy your voice and would love to hear more. As a mom I really enjoy your insights on parenting and how to be gentle with our children and selves and would love to hear more on that!

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I love your content but Substack isn’t the easiest to manage. I listen to your Insight Timer meditations regularly (you actually put me to sleep every night with the 39 min “Jump Back In” meditation - thank you:) could you put audio content on the (apple?) Podcast app? That would be so easy to access.

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One of the reasons I enjoy your meditations is because they are “non specific” yet they resonate within. Yes I struggle with my thoughts, silences of others and finding creative time, forgiveness of my past and everything else that makes me human …but your meditations (typo was mediations - which also holds true) have always invited me to be still for a moment and “just” notice was is happening around and within me.

I’m sure that’s not helpful - but I wanted to say why your words are powerful / at least to me.

Thank you for letting me express them.

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